
How can we help you today?

Meet Trudy.

With a passion for science and technology, it would be silly for us to not take advantage of the biggest technological advancement since the internet!

Conversational AI has recently made some amazing progress and we are starting to taking advantage of that to be able to work with you on the project preliminaries and basic customer support 24/7! (In the initial stages right now, but cool things are coming!)

Trudy will be able to answer questions related to our services and processes, collect basic information about your project, give estimates.

If you are happy with the rough estimate, you can fill out this form or send pictures to [email protected] and we will continue the conversations to zero in on the scope and pricing with you.


My project is unique, I need to talk to a real person

Give Trudy a try, she will transfer your information to the appropriate person to continue the conversation if she is unable to assist you.

I don't text or have an email address

Working with us without texting or an email address will be difficult, but not impossible.

In order for us to best serve you, an email address is required to ensure good, timely communications.

If you are able to do at least one of the texting OR email it will help us provide our high level of customer support to you.

Have a chat with Trudy, she will answer your questions and schedule a phone call appointment if needed.

What payment methods do you accept

Credit card and E-transfer our the typical payment method for most of our projects.

We are able to send a special invoice to pay directly from your bank account to bypass E-transfer limits if you are set-up with online banking.

We also can have you make deposits directly into our bank account by visited your local Servus Credit Union

Lastly, we are partnered with FinanceIt to be able to offer long term, open loans to get the work done now, but pay for it later.

Financing Available Click Here to Learn more and Apply

FAQ image

Do you have a physical location I can come talk to someone

We do have our shop in Morinville, AB but meeting is by appointment only as we are a service based company and our office is your crawlspace!

It is normal for the first time meeting us in person to be at your location for the assessment.

It is best to start a conversation with Trudy, she will be able to answer most of your questions, collect details about your project and put the correct person in touch with you.

Start the exceptional experience now!

We are training the leading Artificial Intelligence to be able to answer 99% of the 1,000's of the initial questions we have gotten over the years.

Get started talking to "Trudy" our lovely assistant that is here 24/7 to help youwith the process.

Get True


[email protected]
4 9700 - 87 Ave

Morinville, AB T8R 1K6